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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sneak Peek: Ellie {13 Days New}

Some of you may have heard of this little lady's mommy, because she is Decor Chick!  If you've never checked out her blog, you should, because she has some really great ideas for decorating on a budget.  I'm sure it won't be long before we start seeing some new nursery ideas!  Oh, and her molding projects are my favorite, so definitely don't miss those!  You just might come away inspired to start a few projects of your own.

But as creative as her mommy is, she's not the star of this blog post.  Nope, it's the stunning Miss Ellie!  It seems like most newborns are either bald, or have dark hair, so I absolutely could not get over her gorgeous blonde, fluffy hair.  And her sweet little cheeks.  And those beautiful lips.  Okay, so there was a lot to like!

But you can see that for yourself. . .

Enjoy your sneak peek, "A" family!
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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sneak Peek: Emma {5 Days New}

Oh, Miss Emma!  We've been waiting so long to meet you and see your sweet little face, and you did not disappoint in the least, beautiful girl!  She's so tiny, but made it very clear on her birthday that she's not afraid to call the shots and take what she wants.  You see, Emma was scheduled to be born on her big brother's birthday.  And big brother's are nice and all, but Emma decided her birthday was something she just didn't want to share.  So she made her entrance a whole week early and secured a birthday of her very own.  Welcome to the world of girls, mommy & daddy!  I'm sure this will be the first of hundreds of times your lives will be bent to her will (and that's just in the first year!)

Enjoy your sneak peek, D Family!

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Sweet Everythings Photography is owned by Houston-based photographer Jennifer Fernandez and specializes in newborn and childrens photography.


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