Four years ago today, this sweet little thing came into my life and changed it forever.
I'm not really sure what to say about that. So proud of her growing up, and all at the same time, so sad that she's not my little baby anymore. And more than anything, so amazed by how quickly it's all happened. I feel like I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, here we were.

So before I blink again and another year has passed, here are some things I want to remember about right now. She loves all things pink and princess. She loves makeup (yes, already!) And she loves nail polish - but she loves picking it off even more than she likes having it on. (I beg her not to, but she insists that it's "so fun" for her. hehe.)

She loves being in control (and can be very persuasive!) She's very social with other kids, but is sometimes painfully shy when meeting new adults. She loves going to the park and being outside. And she can watch the same movie all day every day and never get tired of it.
Sometimes you feel like you're talking to an adult when you speak to her. Then she'll say things like "merember" instead of remember or "lemalade" instead of lemonade, and the world makes sense. I know I should be correcting her and encouraging her to pronounce words correctly, but I have to admit that I kind of like that it reminds me that she's still my little girl.

And as we prepare to invite a new baby into our family in the next couple of months, I realize that things will change, but I cannot wait to see my little girl blossom into the great big sister I know she's going to be.

Happy Birthday, Anna!
You are so very loved, my angel!
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