I've been absent from the blog for a few weeks, and I'd like to share why - I've been very busy with this little guy and enjoying my new family of four!
Introducing Parker Scott. . .
I had tons of plans for all of the newborn pictures I was going to take once Parker was born. I just forgot to take into account how tired and preoccupied I would be with becoming a new mom again! It's amazing how quickly you forget!

Luckily, I did make time for these, but he got off really easy compared to what I had planned.

He's such a sweet little guy with such a good nature, and he's fitting in just perfectly to our little family. His big sister is so proud of him, and I can't imagine life any other way.
When I had my daughter 4 years ago, a very talented photographer friend of mine came to visit and did this shot of her in her nursery. I decided to recreate it with Parker, and I'm so happy with how it turned out. If I can find the digital of Anna's shot, I'm going to post them together...

I'm still on maternity leave, so if you've emailed me and I've been slow to reply I apologize. I will likely start booking a limited number of sessions again sometime in July, so let me know if you're interested in planning a session for that timeframe and we can put something on the calendar!
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